Based in San Antonio, Texas, Prevent – Prepare – Protect Training and Consulting is the only area full-time firearm safety and shooting school, with a host of available classroom and online courses. P3TC get started Prevent-Prepare-Protect Training & Consulting PREV / NEXT Master the Craft of Firearms P3 Training and Consulting has several NRA Training Counselors for NRA Firearms Instructor certifications and is a licensed Texas Private Security Program Academy for credentialing to support the protective services community. get started Prevent-Prepare-Protect Training & Consulting PREV / NEXT Ken Lewis Range Master, Firearms Instructor, NRA Training Counselor, NRA Practical Pistol Coach Development Staff, NRA/USA Shooting Shotgun Coach, Training and Shooting Range Consultant. get started Prevent-Prepare-Protect Training & Consulting PREV / NEXT NRA Training Certified NRA Firearms Instructors, appointed Training Counselors, Regional Refuse To Be A Victim ® Training Counselors, Coaches, and National Coach Development Staff. get started Prevent-Prepare-Protect Training & Consulting PREV / NEXT P3TC The Top-Tier, full-time firearm safety and shooting school in San Antonio, TX. get started Prevent-Prepare-Protect Training & Consulting PREV / NEXT

Based in San Antonio, Texas, Prevent – Prepare – Protect Training and Consulting is the only area full-time firearm safety and shooting school, with a host of available classroom and online courses. P3 Training and Consulting has several NRA Training Counselors for NRA Firearms Instructor certifications and is a licensed Texas Private Security Program Academy for credentialing to support the protective services community. P3TC’s Instructors are not only National Rifle Association (NRA) certified, but many hold multiple certifications and are recognized subject matter experts.

At P3TC, it is

Certification through


not attending!


Get your Texas LTC here.  Click above for options.

If you prefer one-on-one training with an Instructor, click above to send us an email with what you’re looking for.  An Instructor will get back with you.

If you’re LEO or LEOSA and need to qualify, this is for you.

Complete your online training or sign up for your basic Security Officer training course.

This is the  second part of the NRA Basic Pistol Online Course. 


Our Services

Top-Tier Training in South Texas and beyond.


Range, Threat and Emergency Assessment & more


Make A Real Difference in Your Court Outcome


P3TC Training can provide Training Anywhere In The World

Join Texas Handgun Association Today.

You must be prepared to protect yourself and your family, which is why so many Texas and non-Texas residents turn to P3TC for Personal Protection and Firearm Safety classes, such as Texas License to Carry Handgun (LTC). P3TC teaches every subject included in Defensive Handgun Academies around the country. Getting your LTC in San Antonio has never been easier and we have a variety of schedules to fit your needs.

Beyond San Antonio LTC training, the P3TC instructional staff offers numerous classes for law enforcement personnel, private security personnel, and citizens interested in increasing their personal safety and defense abilities.  Classes include such topics as advanced concealed carry training, first aid/CPR training, self-defense/assault prevention, and active killer/active shooter response.  P3TC is recognized as one of the world’s premier bodyguard training schools; not only can we train you to protect yourself, but we train professionals to protect others.  At P3TC, not only can we teach you the basics, but we can transition to the advanced personal defense classes you may require.  There are many other schools teaching the basics…but why stop there? 

“Train like your life depends on it!


I learned a lot (as always) during our course… Lots of “why’s” on top of the “how to’s”. The hands-on with your equipment under your watchful guidance was of course something nobody can get from any book, DVD, or YouTube video.
- Robert W.
It was my third time with them and as always I was very pleased. They are highly trained instructors, and they treat you like you are one of them. highly recommended.
- Carlos E.

The Top Five Things to Know About Texas Constitutional Carry

(The Firearm Carry Act of 2021):

  • Who Can Carry?
  • What Weapons Are Covered?
  • How Must You Carry?
  • What Conduct is Prohibited?
  • What Places Are Off-Limits?

Gun owners are able to access the answers to these questions and more by attending Constitutional Carry Classes.